In Freedom, Patriotism, and Humanity - Join Now


About Us

As the services of the Veterans of 1861 to 1865 is kept crystal clear by their sons, so, too, will the long and arduous service rendered by the Veterans of 1898 to 1902 be kept bright in the minds of men by the Sons of Spanish American War Veterans.

The SSAWV is a patriotic and fraternal heritage organization. Founded in 1927, it is non-profit, non-partisan, and non-sectarian. The Sons of Spanish American War Veterans was organized in the Spring of 1927. The tenets of the organization are to perpetuate the memories of the men who served honorably in the War with Spain, the Philippine Insurrection and the China Relief Expedition; to carry on the fight for adequate and equitable legislation for the Veterans of ’98 and for those widows and dependent minors in State and National Legislatures; and to concentrate their strength behind drives to keep this a land where the ideals of Washington, Lincoln and the Veterans own McKinley might always hold sway.

The primary purpose is to perpetuate the memory of the soldiers, sailors, and marines who served the United States of America between February 15, 1898, and July 4, 1902. The United Spanish War Veterans (USWV) no longer exists. The Sons of Spanish-American War Veterans (SSAWV),
chartered by the USWV in 1937 does still exist. Currently, it includes approximately hundreds of members nationwide. There are active camps throughout the country and more are forming every year.

What the Organization Does:
“The Sons of Spanish American War Veterans, in close cooperation with the United Spanish War Veterans, the Auxiliary,
and the Daughters of 98′, Jr. Auxiliary of the United Spanish War Veterans, to carry out the principles of the organization:

  1. Participate in the proper observance of patriotic holidays and especially “Remember the Maine” Day; February 15th.
  2. Place flags on the graves of Spanish War Veterans.
  3. Through the Camps and Members – At – Large observe the care and upkeep of Spanish War Memorials
    and bring any failure to do so to the attention of proper authorities.
  4. With the assistance of the publication “The National Son” to further inculcate the love and honor of our flag;
    and uphold the principles of Freedom, Patriotism, and Humanity.
  5. Encourage in every possible way the importance of all American history to be studied properly in schools.” History of the SSAWV

Annually, a national convention is held. Each Memorial Day, the organization takes part in events at Arlington National Cemetery. General Orders are mailed out to members. While the order still has “Real Sons,” membership is made up of subsequent generations, collateral family, and also simply men who subscribe to our purposes and objectives. With the passing of the years, as the Great Commander reduced the ranks of the Veterans of the War of ’98, a new source of strength was coming to the front to lend a helping hand.

Not least in this enumeration of its objects, is the aim to have its members so conduct themselves at all times under all circumstances as to make their veteran fathers proud to call them “Sons” and give into their care a heritage that is second to none!

Freedom. That condition enjoyed by the people of this nation through the leadership of George Washington and which the Spanish – American War Veterans in their youth carried to the people of Cuba.

Patriotism. The love of ones country that inspired the Volunteers of 1898 to forsake all ties of home and business and offer their lives, if necessary, to bring liberty to an oppressed people struggling against tyranny.

Humanity. That sense of duty to our fellow men which animated our fathers in the performance of duty, that relieved the starvation in Puerto Rico, took happiness to the Philippines, provided for the open door in China, and stamped out yellow fever in our Southern States.


This site is not all-inclusive. It does not contain all the written material and records in regards to the Spanish American War, the Philippine Insurrection, and the China Relief Expedition, the United States Armed Forces, and the United Spanish War Veterans and their Auxiliaries. Despite ongoing research by our Brothers, this site may not have the information you’re looking for. When possible, we will try and provide guidance, however failing that, we encourage you to ‘read more about it at your local library, historical society, and university.