One of the main questions people ask about our membership is
“What if I don’t have a relative?”
If you do not have a relative that you know of who served, you are still eligible to join.
We welcome all who have any interest in preserving the memory of the men and women who served in the conflicts from 1898 to 1902.
All males 14 years old or older who subscribe to the purpose and objects of the Sons of Spanish American War Veterans are welcome to join the order. There are two categories of membership: “Heritage” and “Associate,” but those who are a son of a veteran, son-in-law, or step son, are recognized as a “Real Son.”
Membership is open to Male descendants of Spanish American War, Philippine Insurrection,
and the China Relief Expedition Veterans Both American and Allied Nations.
We accept Both Collateral and Lineal Descendants.
That is Aunts, Cousins, Grandfathers, and Uncles on both the Maternal and Paternal sides of ones family. Those whom lack ancestry, but whose wife has said ancestry are eligible for full membership.
There are camps (chapters) throughout the country where you can be active on a local basis, if you wish to join at a camp level by contacting the nearest camp near you by clicking here. You may also be a national member-at-large and continue by contacting our National Registrar in reading below.
FEES: There is an annual due renewal fee of $15.00.
These dues cover the cost for things like Memorials/Monuments, Membership Cards, Postage, etc.
There is also an Associate Membership for those individuals who are uncertain if they have a relative. If you are uncertain as to if you are related to a Veteran of any of the above conflicts but believe you have one, we will try to help you find that individual.
All males 14 years old or older who subscribe to the purpose and objects of the Sons of Spanish American War Veterans are welcome to join the order. There are two categories of membership: “Heritage” and “Associate,” but those who are a son of a veteran, son-in-law, or stepson, are recognized as a “Real Son.”
As stated in our 2017 revised constitution: “….to perpetuate the memory of the services of the veterans of the Spanish-American War era, which includes the Spanish American War, the Philippine Insurrection, and the China Relief Expedition; 1898-1903.”
Membership Application
Please download the membership application below, fill it out and submit it to our National Registrar:
Wayne F. Wehrheim
1807 16th Street,
PO Box 326
Viola, IL 61486-0326;
Tel. 309-373-7562 & e-mail stingray53766@gmail.com
Together with a check for $15.00 made out to: “Sons of Spanish American War Veterans.”